The Purpose Pyramid
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Stage 5: Plan
In this video, we tackle the pivotal fifth stage: The Plan. Discover how a clear long-term vision enhances job prospects and infuses entry-level roles with purpose, turning them into strategic steps toward your ultimate career goals. You will learn how to ignite employer's interest by presenting not just skills, but a mission to make a difference. It's time to take that first, decisive action step on a career path defined by you, for a future you're eager to embrace.
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STAGE 1: Take Charge
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STAGE 2: Get Unstuck
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STAGE 3: Get Real
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STAGE 4: Get Purpose
STAGE 5: Plan
Our work is based on two realizations that emerged from our research completed in 1990-1994:
1. Each of us has something unique to contribute.
2. Each of us desperately desires to make that contribution.
Career Hero and Working On Purpose are proven methods to help people become crystal clear on their contribution and how to strategically and methodically develop that into a fulfilling career.
With a little help from their friends (and career coaches).
1. Each of us has something unique to contribute.
2. Each of us desperately desires to make that contribution.
Career Hero and Working On Purpose are proven methods to help people become crystal clear on their contribution and how to strategically and methodically develop that into a fulfilling career.
With a little help from their friends (and career coaches).
Copyright © 2025
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