—   Program Map

Discover the 7 Modules
of Career Hero

—   Module 1/7

Decision Making

Develop clarity on why you are making the decisions you are currently making and how to make that process more effective for you. Replace the negative and unconscious payoffs you are getting for your choices with positive and conscious ones.
Write your awesome label here.
—   Module 2/7

Getting Unstuck

Use your newly developed approach to decision making to identify the labels, rigidities and limiting beliefs you have placed on yourself in order to get unstuck. Get tools to increase your self-awareness, self-esteem and self-confidence every single day.
Write your awesome label here.
—   Module 3/7

Mission Statement

Now that you removed the rigidities and limiting beliefs you can re-connect with the essence of who you really are and describe that in a Personal Mission Statement. Decide upon the person you will be from this point forward. It is important to know who you are before deciding what you will do.
Write your awesome label here.
—   Module 4/7

Work Purpose

Now that you have a sense of the person you want to be, it’s time to decide upon the contribution you will make to improve your world. Declare the purpose of your work before deciding upon the career(s) that will deliver that purpose.
Write your awesome label here.
—   Module 5/7

Career Development

Now develop that Work Purpose into a career path by identifying jobs, training, schooling, etc, that will assist you in delivering your work purpose.
Write your awesome label here.
—   Module 6/7

Strategic Planning

Apply a strategical approach to the purpose you have developed. Write a business plan for yourself that will provide you with a fulfilling, impactful life.
Write your awesome label here.
—   Module 7/7

Career Launch

Branding, Marketing, Interview, LinkedIn Profile, Purpose Hacking, Negotiations, Job Hunting, Portfolio, Business Startup. Whatever is required to launch your implicit career!
Write your awesome label here.
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