Career Hero 
The online version of The Implicit Career Search.

"This approach provides the tools for both participants and career counsellors to become heroes!" Brendan Bakay, Contract and Procurement Specialist, Government of Alberta
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"For over thirty years The Implicit Career Search has consistently demonstrated that: no matter our demographic or background, no matter the trauma we have survived, and regardless of our current situation, each of us desperately wants to play our part in making this world a better place to be.“

What is Career Hero?

Career Hero is the new, online version of The Implicit Career Search (ICS), a uniquely purposeful approach to career exploration and planning that is currently being utilized effectively by Canadian Employment Agencies as well as career and life coaches and various leadership programs throughout North America and Europe. The underlying principle behind  this approach is that not only do we each have a unique contribution to deliver during our lives, we also implicitly and deeply desire to make this contribution.

The emphasis throughout is on producing a methodical, attainable and strategic plan to turn this contribution into a successful career. This program is unique in its ability to provide a concrete method to assist individuals to identify what they want the purpose of their work to be and, from that, develop an attainable plan to build a career around that purpose.

Upon attending the ICS Practitioner Training in December, I was completely focused on the benefits to my clients; which are plentiful. I wasn’t however, expecting to be so highly impacted by the workshop content myself…this truly is a process for everyone. Implicit Career Search helps provide clarity and direction to well-seasoned workers and those just entering the workforce for the first time. It’s a great tool for today’s tumultuous and uncertain career paths."
Fawn Nielsen, Life Skills Facilitator, Open Door
Group Kamloops WorkBC Employment Services Centre

Why Career Hero?

I am currently delivering ICS to groups of tier 3 and 4’s under the Employment Program of BC mandate and am achieving greater results than I had hoped for! Clients actively participate in each module, attendance is almost perfect and they are moving on from ICS to enthusiastically participate in the other services we have to offer.” 

Allison Houweling Program Facilitator
John Howard Society
"ICS delivers the perfect balance of personal development and essential skills training for individuals to become employment ready. Our clients emerge from ICS Training with a solid plan and renewed confidence to take those steps and achieve their goals.”

Terry Deakin, CEO, INEO Employment Services
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Agency Benefits:

  • Career Hero clients become more motivated to use other agency services when they have learned how to incorporate these programs into their overall plan. This provides these programs with highly focused and enthusiastic participants.

  • Advisors love working with clients as they move through the modules in Career Hero as it is carefully designed to provide an enjoyable and at the same time, intense learning experience. Career Hero is a cost effective, and time efficient way to help career advisors become aligned with their clients in achieving their goals

  • Using Career Hero at the beginning of employment programs will accelerate the return to work process. Having a defined career action plan will put Employment Advisors and clients on the same page in helping to achieve a quicker outcome.
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 We have developed our licensing model to put you in control. We can train your staff to facilitate your clients Career Hero progress or we can provide certified facilitators to do so. Either way we will be providing ongoing support throughout. 

Client Benefits:

  • A comprehensive Employment Goal and ‘realistic’ plan to achieve their goal. This includes detailed steps or ‘Activities’ which can be easily translated into the Clients’ Service and Action Plan used by the agency.

  • Greater focus, confidence and organizational skills to support achievement of activities towards their Employment Goal.

  • Increased awareness around personal accountability in relation to their Career Goal and Plan.

  • Increased awareness regarding past behaviours and how they impacted on past career successes and failures
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"In a six-module workshop ICS can accomplish
what ordinarily might take weeks of case management sessions and separate individual or group workshops."

Bill Brown, Community Partnership Coordinator/ Facilitator Port Alberni Employment Services


Success rate


Years of experience


ICS actually delivers more than it promises and anyone would benefit from participating in this workshop. As far as using it to support Employment Programming, each module is focused in its objective and designed to help client’s produce an effective and achievable career plan and to be accountable for the implementation of the steps necessary to achieve economic independence. The design of the workshop ensures that the level of each clients engagement and motivation is significantly increased to help them be accountable for seeking out the specific support services they require in order to follow through and achieve their career goals. In short ICS delivers exactly what we wanted for our Clients participating in our employment programming.
Naomi Bullock, Senior Program Director OPEN DOOR GROUP, British Columbia 

to learn more about the ICS method and Career Hero Program. 

Thank you!
Or call our offices: 
+44 750 749 1042 (UK office) 
+ 1 250 833 9280 (Canada office)

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