career Hero academy

Helping employment agencies get people into MEANINGFUL and SUSTAINABLE work

A non-traditional approach for discovering, obtaining and maintaining employment. 

We provide coaching, virtual workshops, online courses and certifications. 
Write your awesome label here.


BRENDAN BAKAY Contract and Procurement Specialist

Does it feel like COVID-19 made it even tougher to get unemployed people back into work?

Stagnant economy

The economy is almost frozen and people are waiting for someone to solve their employment challenge. People are stuck in the house with low motivation to search for employment

Lost revenues

Each person being unemployed is estimated to cost £6,243 a year in benefits and lost tax revenue.

No expenses

This means lost output, as the economy will be working below full potential and tax revenues will be lower. 

Domino effect

The longer people remain unemployed, the less training and development they are receiving and the more unemployable they become.

Are you ?

Challenged to engage clients who lack direction, have multiple barriers to employment, and/or do not see work in their future?

Frustrated by the ineffectiveness of traditional approaches to engaging certain clients in exploring employment?

Often starting a process with a “hard to engage” client who disengages part way through?

If you answered YES it’s time to try a different approach! What if you could promote change in clients’ beliefs and behaviours by supporting them to think and perceive differently. What if you could help clients see that they, like everyone else, have a role to play in their community?

We’ve developed an innovative method to solve every career challenge that unemployed people are facing. Proven to be 3X more efficient than traditional approaches.

For over 30 years of coaching people who are unemployed, we faced and created predictable solutions for all employment barriers. We discover the ideal career and motivate the “unemployable” to negotiate their salary and everything in between. We’ve got you covered.

How can we help?

Career Hero Academy

Millennial Hero Limited has identified a gap in the existing services currently available to the Department of Work and Pensions and can provide a new and innovative approach to obtain employment that can supplement and not replace existing services. This approach not only helps participants secure stable jobs, but it also motivates them to discover and enrol in other employment services. Millennial Hero Limited provides a suite of services and an online career discovery course called "Career Hero Academy".  


Overcome insecurities that affect employability

Create and stick to Career Plans so that participants will secure employment

Identify, build and market personal brand and skills to become appealing to employers

“I’ve been working as an organization consultant and manager since 1994. The Career Hero Academy is the most thought-through course I’ve ever taken – and I’ve had lots! It is unique in how it connects the deepest part of you to what you do and why you do it!”

- Career Agency CEO

Your map to a meaningful career and life.

Your map to a meaningful career and life.

Sometimes the hardest part about helping your clients make a change in your career or get into meaningful employment is knowing where to start. We make it simple with a straightforward, time-tested path to success. Each step in the process builds on the one that came before it so that by the time your clients finish the program, they will have a fully optimized career plan as they step into an exciting new stage of their career and life. One that they’ll fully enjoy.

Stage 1

The Internal Journey

Helps your clients to take control of their career, grow into a new identity (hero) and define the person they intend to become.


Your client will get tools to help them become clearer on what they really want, how to get that, and how to remove barriers that have stopped them in the past (i.e. no jobs out there!).Your client will get tools to help them become clearer on what they really want, how to get that, and how to remove barriers that have stopped them in the past (i.e. no jobs out there!).


Use their newly developed approach to decision making to identify the labels, rigidities and limiting beliefs they have placed on themselves in order to see who they really are.


Decide upon the person they will be from this point forward. It is important to know who they are before deciding what they will do. In this module they will write their Personal Mission Statement.

Stage 2

Stage 1

The External Journey

Once your clients' biggest internal limitations, that may have kept them stuck for years, are gone they will decide how they are going to improve upon your world and start to think about how they will make a living doing so. Building on the work your clients did in Stage One they will now develop a career strategy that enables them to reach a level of total clarity and motivation for their future career.


Now that they know the person they want to be, it’s time to decide upon the contribution they will make to improve your world. Declare the purpose of their work before deciding upon the career(s) that will deliver that purpose. They will become motivated to look after the world rather than wait for the world to look after themselves.


The final stage of Career Development is to realise their work as a joyous expression of themselves. It will be something that, on most mornings, they will be looking forward to accepting the challenge of. And on those other mornings? They will be on holiday.


A plan without a contribution causes the world harm, as will a contribution without a plan. At Career Hero Academy, we love working on plans where the goal is to make an improvement upon our world. Once that is established we go all the way with our clients to help them realize their plans and deliver their unique contribution.

Stage 3

Stage 1

Strategic Implementation

Now we pull out all the stops to make your clients' plan work: we will provide cutting edge and effective techniques, tools and strategies for marketing and networking, handling interviews, negotiating salaries, job hunting, business start-up, LinkedIn profiling… whatever it takes to make your clients' plan happen. And all this will be accompanied by the advice of very experienced career coaches. It’s a proven, foolproof method to make their plan happen.

What makes us different?


All the activities and exercises are aimed at preparing the learners to become their own career coaches and get secure and meaningful jobs that pay well.

This program gives them the skills and autonomy to discover their ideal career, secure employment and make a good living out of it. In addition, Career Hero Program encourages the utilization of other employment services provided by the other career agencies, contractors or partners.


Thanks to the Career Plan and the drive to implement it. Studies on this approach show that clients with long term plans are quicker to secure employment.


Presenting a sense of purpose and aliveness is appealing to potential employers.



Having removed many of the self-limiting beliefs, behavioural rigidities, and other unhelpful labels, graduates of the Career Hero Academy are focussed on the career path they have defined for themselves. 



A strong sense of purpose and a clear goal motivates clients to participate in other programs that will help them achieve their vision.

From Unemployed to Motivated, Purpose-Driven Employee in 5 Steps:

#1 Sign up and select an accountability partner

Once it has been determined that someone will be enrolled in the online program, the individual will provide their email address to a career guide who will be sending the sign-in credentials for the platform. As part of Module 1, the individual will need to select an accountability partner: who can be a spouse/ a member of the family/friend/career guide who will be providing the support and motivation needed when “things get tough”. To make it impossible to miss this step, they will be asked to upload a selfie with their accountability person plus the email address of the accountability partner, so we can send them a small brief and some “accountability notes” with best practices. At this point, participants will also be introducing themselves to the wider community so that they realize they are not alone in this process and feel part of a bigger community.

#2 Finish the course and create an exciting career plan

The participants will work through the course, one module at a time and complete the assessments. The course has 7+ modules in total, each of them containing engaging video lessons along with assessments and hints from previous participants. At ANY point, while watching the video lessons or completing the assessments, the participant can post updates, ask the community questions, or ask a career guide for help privately.

#3 Optimize the plan with a Career Guide

The career coaches will have visibility of the progress made by each participant at any point. They will have established a connection by answering the questions raised by participants. As part of the optimization process, the facilitator can enrol the participants in other employment services in order to cover any skills or education gaps that participants identified. The optimization call usually lasts 1 hour and the facilitator needs to have the plan reviewed prior to the call.

#4 Get the support and motivation through weekly group calls

After finishing the course, most of the people are motivated knowing that they have a clear plan they can start implementing the next day. And, as we know, challenges arise throughout the process. To encourage individuals to follow through on their plans and secure a job, we suggest organizing weekly group calls between the graduates of this program and career guides. Participants can present the obstacles they have come across when implementing their plans and listen to solutions prescribed by career guides and other participants who have successfully overcome similar challenges: i.e. getting education, skills, secure job in a specific industry.

#5 Get invited to interviews, ace them and start a new job

Upon completing the program most clients, with guidance from their career coaches, take one of three 'first steps':

1. Begin a 'seed' job (a job that matches the skills they have now and is the beginning of working toward their ideal job).

2. Enter into training or education (after identifying skills required to increase employment)

3. Begin working on purpose (after identifying that they have the skills required to do so).

Some may begin their own businesses, the Career Development Spectrum presented in Module 5 helps them determine if they are ready to do so.

Expected Outcomes

The participants will be able to go from unemployed, overwhelmed, confused and demotivated to confident about their ability to contribute to their society and ensure financial stability. They will become extremely clear on the career path and the steps they need to take to obtain employment or accelerate their careers. In the process, they can cross off all other options from the list of possible jobs and simply focus on getting a job or start a small business. 

Our students

What they say about us

Governments, Career Agencies & Career Coaches LOVE it

Frequently asked questions

What's the candidate profile for this program?

What's the candidate profile for this program?

  • Demotivated or overwhelmed 18 to 50-year-old people who currently do not have a job, have been out of employment for a while or do not get replies from employers 
  • People who struggle with low self-esteem, depression, anxiety, low confidence and who find it increasingly difficult to maintain employment
  • Those who feel lost and do not know what career to choose or where to start
  • People who prefer to have support throughout this process using either face to face coaching or who prefer to do it online from the comfort of their home, using a blend of online courses and coaching

What are the participants' minimum eligibility requirements?

What are the participants' minimum eligibility requirements?

  • Laptop/Personal Computer/Smartphone/Table
  • Internet connection 

How many participants can this project support over the next 12-24 months?

How many participants can this project support over the next 12-24 months?

Since this is an online program, it can support an unlimited number of participants. The only limitation will be in the coaching support capability (i.e. the number of available coaches and who can provide support). We suggest having at least 1 career guide for a group of 15-20 clients.

How many participants can this project support over the next 12-24 months?

How long is this program?

How long is this program?

Because the course is on-demand, it gives the learner the flexibility of taking this course at their own pace. The program can be completed in 7 days, although we suggest this process should take at least 15-30 days so that the participants get to implement what they have learned as they experience the program.

How many participants can this project support over the next 12-24 months?

How quickly can we set this up? 

In less than 5 days. 

Let’s talk about how we can help your team or agency.

Take your first step today.

Your 60-minute Free Consultation Session is the next step for helping your clients obtain and maintain not only employment—but a meaningful life.
“It changed my thinking process and helped me to identify my own contribution to many things I was comfortable on blaming others about”  - Peri Clark
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