Program Map:
Career Hero Academy
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The outcomes from the program:
Self - Awareness: by understanding the source of their insecurities and how to deal with them, the participants will become more flexible and open to taking jobs outside their comfort zone.
Take better decisions: understanding the pay- off behind their decision-making process, participants understand how to take control of their own careers and make better decisions in life.
Strategic Career Planning: overcomplicated plans created in a rush do not work. In "Career Hero" Academy, the participants will develop the ability to create a series of plans and contingency steps that empower action.
Grit: People often drop their plans. By developing grit, the individuals will learn how to connect with their emotions to achieve their career goals. Participants will also be helped by a community of like-minded people and career guides who will provide solutions to the challenges they face.
Build skills, knowledge and experience: securing employment is the first immediate goal. However, in the program, the participants will get a 5-step framework along with a step by step strategy on how they can plan their career and develop their skills in order to grow, learn and have a bigger impact in their jobs.
Market and sell personal brand and skills: Participants will develop the ability to present themselves online/into an interview efficiently using modern job-hacking skills. The career plan itself is one of the best interview hacks because when presented to an employer, it demonstrates how taking that specific job is part of a lifelong plan.
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