Career Hero
When it comes to choosing their careers, most people never take the time to understand themselves and what contribution they would like to make in their career, so they end up frustrated or bored in dead end jobs that do not represent them. Career Hero helps you eliminate insecurities, understand where you want to make an impact through your work, and then build an exciting career plan that you are ready to implement the next day so that you'll start looking forward to Monday mornings.
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Steve Miller
Steve is a renowned expert and career coach in Canada and over the last 3 decades he has helped thousands of people from prisoners to CEOs to find and get into careers that work for them. He spent most of his life helping these people answer two questions: what’s my unique contribution to this world and how can I make a very good living from that? As a result, he created the 3-day workshop called The Implicit Career Search which is the Foundation of The Aha! Moment. He already certified an army of 150 practitioners and coaches to deliver this workshop. Apart from the Implicit Career Search he also authored 2 books and runs seminars with Fortune 100 companies on various topics.
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Silviu Cojocaru
After spending years in multinational companies always feeling lost with no sense of direction in his career, Silviu spent 5 years in searching and getting into meaningful career and started helping motivated but overwhelmed millennials build a career based on purpose.