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Joseph And His Amazing Technicolour Assessment Tool

"Strange as it seems
There's been a
Run of crazy dreams
And a man who can interpret
Could go far
Could become a star.”
Joseph and The Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat

I love contradictions, paradoxes, inconsistencies. Especially when I am the one to make them. One of the major tenets behind The Implicit Career Search is the idea that no one contribution, or work purpose, is of more importance than another. Although some get more recognition, each is required to repair and progress the world. All of that I assume to be accurate. Now comes the contradiction. When I move from my brain to my heart I feel that the most important work in the world is done by career counsellors/advisors - the ‘Josephs’ of the world who remind people of their dreams and help to interpret them.

Career advisors working in employment agencies all over the world have a tough job. They meet with people who often feel they have hit bottom. They are out of work, money and, often, hope. The career advisor, while assuring the individual that ‘this too will pass’, will help their client deal with the immediate concerns: where to find work and money right now. Then they will help them plan for their future to avoid this situation recurring. And then, most importantly, remind them of their dreams. Why is the dream part the most important? Because it is within that dream that lies the very important contribution that that client has to offer to the world.

 It is not the most urgent need of the counselling session, but it is paramount if we are to survive as a species. All of our contributions are required. And when I look out my window at the forest fires burning in the not too distant hills, and search for my COVID mask before I go out, I feel the urgency for these contributions to be released.

Career advisors/counsellors/coaches are saving the world.

And I settle into my paradox by realizing that, once you fully uncover your work purpose, you realize the equal importance and value of others' contributions and, at the same time, secretly feel that yours is the most important

“I closed my eyes, drew back the curtain
To see for certain what I thought I knew
Far far away, someone was weeping
But the world was sleeping
Any dream will do”
Joseph’s Job Description

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